Hidehiko Okuma, MD, PhD

Postdoctoral Scholar (2016-2021)
Anesthesiologist, Kameda Medical Center, Kamogawa City, Japan

N-terminal domain on dystroglycan enables LARGE1 to extend matriglycan on α-dystroglycan and prevents muscular dystrophy.

Okuma, H., Hord, J. M., Chandel, I., Venzke, D., Anderson. M. E., Walimbe, A. S., Joseph, S., Gastel, Z., Hara, Y., Saito, F., Matsumura, K., Campbell, K. P. (2023) eLife 12:e82811. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82811 PMID: 36723429  PMCID: PMC9917425

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